Welcome to Aberdeen Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland website
Service Times
We preach Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 1:23)
Sabbath: 11am, 6pm
Midweek meeting: Tuesday 7.15pm
Bible class: Thursday 7.30pm (via Webex)
Minister: Rev Douglas Somerset.
All are welcome.
Webex links
Streaming of the Church services is available for those unable to attend. The Thursday bible class is also accessed via Webex:
To join by telephone dial 0207 660 8149 and enter the following codes when prompted:
Sabbath morning (11am): 2371 476 8411
Sabbath evening (6pm): 163 668 8211
Tuesday prayer meeting (7.15pm): 163 182 0365
Thursday bible class (7.30pm): 163 137 5736
Saturday night prayer meeting (8.30pm): 163 413 8020
To join online click on the link below:
If you are asked for a password, enter "1893"
About Us
The Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland is a Psalm-singing Reformed Church with congregations across the world. It is committed to the inspiration of the whole Bible and the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Saviour from sin.
As the constitutional heir of the historic Church of Scotland, the Free Presbyterian Church traces its Scriptural roots through the Scottish Reformation to the New Testament itself. It seeks to uphold a full testimony to Reformed doctrine, worship and government:
In doctrine, the Church’s only supreme standard is Scripture, with the entire Westminster Confession of Faith as its unqualified subordinate standard.
In worship, the Regulative Principle is applied consistently, so that nothing is brought into worship except what Scripture requires.
In government, Scriptural principles are applied to the life of the Church and to the lives of the people.
For more information about the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland visit www.fpchurch.org.uk.
Listen to sermons from our sermon archive

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners